I just discovered Batson Guitars thanks to them following me on Twitter.
They have a very nice website which reflects their love and ingenuity when it comes to guitar building. I especially liked the part about the woods.
Batson Guitars are acoustics and I know more about electric guitars as you might have figured from previous posts.That being said, I really liked some innovations like the soundport which is the whole moved to the side of the guitar on the ground that "since the soundboard of a guitar is like the head on a drum, why would you cut a hole in it?".
Another innovation is the Shortail tailpiece which is located on the edge of the body with the same spirit of preserving the movement, vibrations and resonance.
I have not been able to test one of those but I definitely will if I am near one of their distributors (a selected few so far). These custom guitars start around $5,000. Make sure to check out their site and their guitars if given the chance (and let me know!).
Also, more nice Batson guitars photos here (source of pic above).
UPDATE: the guys at Batson just let me know that they started a demo program (for $300 they send you a demo guitar to try out for 3 days) and some more Batson guitars photos.
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