I wonder how this will turn out. In the meantime, some entertaining comments from their post:
no pictures ,no pricing, you want me to drive to Nashville and hope to score on prices better than GC? pftttttt.
What i'd like to know is the price of the guitars. I don't want to make a 3 hour trip just to find out that it is 10% off retail, so i hope that Gibson releases some more infomation soon.
what good is this if I can't view and purchase any of these offerings on line? don't bother promoting such events on line when they are impractical and unreachable on line. you only succeed in disenfranchising your consumer base.
And to sum up the spirit of fans in California, Florida (or any non TN-contiguous state) as well as Spain, Australia and UK:
fuckkkk that. I live in new jersey. I am not going out to tennessee to buy a guitar. shitt thats an extra 300 dollars for a plane ticket... do they think everyone lives in tennessee or sumtin ?
Then you have the dreamer. Who is angry too. Or maybe the author of this comment is French and was expecting a first class flight on Air France with Champagne and Petits fours to go visit the unionized comrades of the Gibson Factory:
Gibson should provide bus or train tickets for people who live far away and they should guarantee everything for at least five years, strings included. and they should sell everything on the internet with free shipping. and they should offer a 45 day return. and what about the list? you must have a list? If you don't comply, I'm not going and my friends aren't either. I'm not going anyway because now I'm really mad about this mega sale. BIG deal and you won't even tell me. Where is the Beef???
But in the end, none of this matters to the true hardcore fan:
True believers will find a way to get to the motherstore. My bike is packed. I ride at dawn. Through the pansies and onward to the motherstore. Some people don't deserve to get a chance to take part. Some do. I do. I am a believer. I owned an original FT-79N that I got in 1969. And many others that will remain dear to me. I'll see you other believers in Nashville by Monday. The rest of you pansies......stay home........and whine!
Not sure how you bike back home with an Explorer hardcase, but I like the spirit!
And there is still the opportunity to visit GuitarCenter.com
Oh, if you see this shop, park the Harley. You're there :)

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